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LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment Lifestyle


LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment LifestyleLOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment LifestyleLOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment LifestyleLOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment Lifestyle

LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment Lifestyle

LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment LifestyleLOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment Lifestyle


LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment LifestyleLOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment LifestyleLOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment LifestyleLOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment LifestyleLOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment Lifestyle

LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment Lifestyle

LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment LifestyleLOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment Lifestyle


LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment LifestyleLOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment LifestyleLOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment LifestyleLOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment LifestyleLOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment Lifestyle

LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment Lifestyle

LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment LifestyleLOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment LifestyleLOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票已售罄!为了让更多人有机会观看LOVE 972 DJ们的演出,3场演出都将追加限量门票,每张售价$48。(注:门票为Restricted View Seats)《29争精彩》故事讲述神秘骇客入侵 LOVE 972 的广播系统,并发出了挑战,每一名DJ 都必须呈献一段前所未见的精彩表演。这让LOVE 972 的 29 岁生日派对,顿时变成了分秒必争的战场。DJ 们分成小组努力构思既与众不同,又令人惊艳的表演。 随着游戏进入白热化阶段,气氛也越来越凝重。DJ 们各怀鬼胎、相互算计、明争暗斗。原本和睦的LOVE 972大家庭能否经得起这场残酷的考验?比赛的日子一天天逼近,谜团却仍未解开。谁是神秘的“鱿鱼主脑”?谁将是最后赢家?谁又会被炒鱿鱼?如此紧张刺激又笑料百出的音乐剧,不要 “鱿鱼”不决!我们将送出5对LOVE 972《29争精彩》音乐剧门票(CAT 2,价值$196)。详情:日期:9月29日(星期五)时间:8pm地点:The Theatre at Mediacorp 步骤1:加入我们所有的社群FacebookInstagramTelegramTikTokYouTube步骤2:只需回答以下简单问题,并将答案和个人资料(姓名-按照身份证所登记、联络号码、电邮地址)寄到 mail@mediacorp.com.sg,就有机会赢取!请在电邮的标题栏中注明“8视界娱乐生活志:LOVE972”。问:请写出你最喜欢哪名LOVE 972 DJ,并附上原因。活动截止日期:9月26日,2359hrs Terms & Conditions:Winners will be notified via phone or e-mail.Only complete entries are valid.Winners will be chosen from among contestants with the best entries.Participants who have won a prize in any 8worldcontest within the past 3 months are ineligible for this promotion.Participants may send only one email per contest. Multiple entries will not be accepted.Participants who have entered more than one contest in this issue are entitled to win only one contest.Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or any other services.Mediacorp employees and their immediate family members are ineligible for this promotion.Mediacorp Pte Ltd reserves the right to use contestants’ information for future promotions and to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.By taking part in this promotion, participants consent to the use of their personal data by Mediacorp and the Mediacorp group of companies (collectively “Mediacorp”).Participants consent to the sending of marketing and advertising materials in relation to goods and services of Mediacorp and its business partners, and for research and analysis.本地歌手王晓敏推首张专辑 主打歌以水泡金鱼为主题 - 8world Entertainment Lifestyle